The easiest to implement, highest
impact, SEL and mindfulness curriculum that actually gets used.

Using Reboot…

1000s of schools use Reboot to foster a more positive and supportive classroom culture.

It sends the message that well-being and self-care are valued in the learning environment.

✔ Helping Teachers

✔ Helping Students

Anxiety, depression, social media, peer relationships, and family dynamics can all hold back a student’s ability to learn. Reboot teaches the tools so students can be the master of their emotions.

K-12 teachers are the #1 most burnt-out profession in The United States. Reboot creates a more mindful classroom environment and doesn’t add to teachers’ workload.

  • It's a concrete support for everyone. It's accessible to everyone and very easy to implement. Other avenues of support for SEL we wanted to implement would have involved too much training and prior knowledge for a classroom teacher to implement.

    Superintendent, New York

  • When students are upset I am able to remind students to using breaths to calm themselves down and reference mindfulness available tools to help them self regulate.

    Teacher, Wisconsin

  • The students like it and the parents love it! I share with the parents a brief explanation of the daily activity so they can ask their child about it later that evening.

    Teacher, Indiana

  • The daily routine is helping our students learn self regulation strategies. We have had parents report that they hear the self talk about self regulation at home. Eager to see the benefits over time.

    Assistant Superintendent, Michigan

  • Its accessibility and user friendliness. Client support is also very good.

    Guidance Administrator, New York

  • The strategies that can be employed in various settings to help reset a student or staff member. I also love the small little goals that care setup in each message.

    Elementary Principal, Michigan

Press Play on a Healthy Culture.

Each day you’ll receive a new guide, ideally suited for broadcast during morning announcements, to benefit the entire school and foster a positive culture (it can also be played in the classroom).

The program progressively builds upon itself and provides targeted guidance for stressful periods, such as returning to school, holiday anticipation, and year-end overload, and test anxiety to benefit the entire school and foster a positive culture.

  • Ideally suited for broadcast during morning announcements or played in the classroom.

  • Topics include Improving Test Performance, Resolving Conflict, Refocusing/Transitioning After an Activity, and much more

  • Building a healthy culture starts outside the classroom. Hit play on our weekly staff meeting guides for a quick reset before getting down to business.

  • Printable posters to keep the culture of mindfulness flowing throughout the day.

  • Monthly ideas and activities so teachers can integrate Reboot into lessons plans.

Easy Implementation

High Impact

Useful SEL Curriculum

Easy Implementation High Impact Useful SEL Curriculum

The Reboot Effect

As a CASEL aligned program, our scientifically supported methods are helping 10,000+ students nationwide build the skills in the five broad CASEL competencies:





Responsible Decision-making

As well as a focus on these additional skills:

Self-regulation | Empathy | Focus and attention | Goal setting | Mindful listening and speaking | Developing a growth mindset

See It In the Classroom

Take a Listen

Contact us for more information on school-site and district-wide subscriptions.

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